The ABCs of a Lifetime Partnership

Statue of Liberty - Family

Eighteen years ago, on July 4, 1996, I took Jennifer Leigh Smith to Houston’s Intercontinental Airport, and we boarded a plane for New York City. Standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, I proposed to her. As I’ve told others, I had a good plan. I held the plane tickets home! She faced a difficult choice…return to Texas as my fiancé or stay in New York City. Well, fortunately for me, Jennifer accepted my proposal…and the rest is history!

In 2007—10 years of marriage and 3 kids later (Katy-7; Cody-5; and Tanner-1), we visited the Statue of Liberty again to let our family know that this is where it all started. We captured that memory with the picture above…

Each July 4th is a reminder for me of that special proposal…and that special day…

As I ponder the keys to success for our relationship, I think of the “ABCs of a Lifetime Partnership”…lessons which can certainly apply to leaders and aspiring leaders of all ages.  Click here to learn if you can apply these ABCs to your own leadership.