Got Purpose? What’s Your Passion?

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Why do you get out of bed in the morning? What is your life purpose? I suspect that many of us put more effort into planning our Thanksgiving vacation than we do in thinking about the destiny of our earthly journey.

Several years back, I took some time to explore my personal “Mission Statement.” As a HR professional, I helped organizations develop their vision and mission statements on several occasions…but the thought never crossed my mind that I should have my own personal mission…

Through a process facilitated by the Franklin Planner’s Mission Statement Builder (which is now an on-line tool available on the FranklinCovey site), I came out with my personal mission – “To be a Leader wherever I am and improve Leadership wherever I go”. Like many mission statements, those words may not seem much to you…but for me, they provide clarity about the types of opportunities I should pursue. More importantly, my personal mission gives me a reason not to pursue some opportunities!

Week 48 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on Purpose & Passion—keys to greater leadership.

Click here to learn more.