The Holy Catholic Church & The Communion of Saints

At this point, the Apostles’ Creed turns its attention from the nature of God and the gospel to the people who are created as a result of the gospel—the church. It’s important to note Merriam-Webster’s definition of “Catholic”: a person who belongs to the universal Christian church. 

The Holy Catholic church means there is only one church because there is only one Lord.  Though there have been many Christian communities spread out across different times, places, and cultures, they are all mysteriously united in one Spirit.

When the Apostles’ Creed says “the holy catholic church,” it’s referencing all Christians everywhere over all time as part of our family, a part of something we belong to.  All Spirit-indwelled, gospel-believing, Jesus-exalting Christians are part of the holy catholic church. 

It’s God’s design that we belong to a local church—not that we simply attend one.  Attending is different from belonging. Are you in relationship with a group of fellow Christ-followers?

Click here for more on this part of the Creed from Myers, Packer, Mohler, McGrath, and Chandler