Jacob: A Life of Conflict

Dr. Alan Redpath, a Bible expositor of a past generation, once said, “When God seeks to accomplish an impossible task, he takes an impossible man and crushes him!” What an apt summary of Jacob, the unlikely wrestler!

Jacob spent his life as a deceiver—known as the “Heel-Grabber” from the womb, the “Supplanter,” and the “Trickster”—yet he lands in the hall of faith. 

Out of Jacob’s entire life of 147 years, the writer of Hebrews singles out his act of blessing Joseph’s sons as the outstanding example of Jacob’s faith. As Jacob blesses Joseph and his sons, he recalls how God has been his shepherd and his guardian angel (Genesis 48:15-16). 

Consider the ways that God has been a shepherd to you to guide you and provide for you, or how God has been an angel to protect you from harm.

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