On Pause…

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged…  In fact, I’ve taken a 90-day break since my last post.  It’s almost like I was practicing “The Pause Principle”…but not quite…

So, where have I been?  What have I been doing?

Let me take you on a journey…  In 2013, I started blogging during the Government Shutdown when I had a lot of time on my hands.  In the beginning, I posted twice per week.  Eventually, I found that I was spending more time on the computer than I was with my family, so I made some adjustments and went to weekly postings.  In September 2014, I started summarizing my monthly posts in a newsletter to subscribers (if you’re interested, check out the sidebar on the right side of my home page).

In March of this year, I started a new role at work.  As supervisor for the HR Directors across NASA’s 10 field centers that span across the country, more remote work is required…and we’re in the start-up phase of consolidating HR operations across NASA.  It’s taken me some time to hit my stride, leaving less time to blog recently…plus, this was a particularly significant Spring for our family with Katy’s graduation from High School and Tanner’s graduation from Elementary.

Click here to learn more about my last 90 days.

The Perfect Leader

It’s nearly a week past Easter 2018.  During the Easter Season, we spend time seriously reflecting on God’s sacrifice of his one and only son and the resurrection of Jesus Christ…  We worship Jesus’ victory over death that enables our victory in life.

What about God as a Leader?  Ken Boa’s 2006 book The Perfect Leader begins with God himself as the ultimate model of leadership. The underlying premise is that, throughout the Bible, God has demonstrated principles for leadership that can be used profitably by all people who are in a position to lead others—whether in business or ministry, in the school or in the home.

Click here to learn more about The Perfect Leader