Got Purpose? What’s Your Passion?

Purpose and Passion Pin

Why do you get out of bed in the morning? What is your life purpose? I suspect that many of us put more effort into planning our Thanksgiving vacation than we do in thinking about the destiny of our earthly journey.

Several years back, I took some time to explore my personal “Mission Statement.” As a HR professional, I helped organizations develop their vision and mission statements on several occasions…but the thought never crossed my mind that I should have my own personal mission…

Through a process facilitated by the Franklin Planner’s Mission Statement Builder (which is now an on-line tool available on the FranklinCovey site), I came out with my personal mission – “To be a Leader wherever I am and improve Leadership wherever I go”. Like many mission statements, those words may not seem much to you…but for me, they provide clarity about the types of opportunities I should pursue. More importantly, my personal mission gives me a reason not to pursue some opportunities!

Week 48 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on Purpose & Passion—keys to greater leadership.

Click here to learn more.

Lead With Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis

Lead with Humility

In March 2013, Jorge Bergoglio was named Pope for the Catholic Church. He selected the name “Pope Francis”—inspired by St. Francis of Assisi—to signal to the world that he would focus on society’s poor, as well as on the sickest and weakest among us.

Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as a religious leader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, his concern for the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way to build bridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs and faiths. He is known for having a simpler and less formal approach to the papacy, most notably by choosing to reside in the guesthouse rather than the papal apartments used by his predecessors.

In Lead With Humility published in September 2014, Jeffrey Krames outlines 12 leadership lessons from Pope Francis. Pope Francis shows himself to be a leader who understands that leaders lead people, not institutions.

Click here to learn those leadership lessons.