Communicating Vision: Learning from Moses, King David, and Jesus


As an individual contributor and aspiring leader in my organization, I always knew “that vision thing” (a term coined by President George H. W. Bush after he spent time at Camp David in 1987 preparing for his Presidential run) was a critical part of leadership.  So, I was very excited when I was selected for my first leadership role over a team of 3 people.  I set up our first meeting and prepared a vision for our future.  It was a beautifully-written, inspiring one-pager…if I don’t say so myself!

When I presented it to the team, I got blank stares and a lack of excitement.  I would later learn that…big surprise…my team members had ideas about our future too.  And they wanted to have a part in creating the team’s vision!  That leadership lesson was never lost on me, as I’ve moved into different leadership roles over the past 10 years.

I wish I learned lessons from weeks 12 & 13 of the NIV Leadership Bible earlier in my career.  These 10 readings focused on the important leadership skill of communicating vision.  We see examples from the lives of King David, Moses, and Jesus on how we can inspire others, address resistance, and cast a vision that engages our team members.

Click here to learn more.

Building a High-Performing Team…Getting Started Right

Week 11 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on Team Building.  Leadership author John Maxwell likes to say, “Nothing of significance was ever achieved by an individual acting alone.”  So, one mark of a great leader is having great followers.

Great followers are often specialists.  My boys and I like to watch the movie, The Avengers.  As the movie shows, specialists often differ in personality and views.  And the movie does a great job illustrating how teams are not effective until the team members learn to combine their individual strengths to produce an outcome that no single member alone could have produced (even if the team members are super-heroes!).

High-performing teams are tough to build.  Let’s turn to the Bible for a couple of examples of how to do it right.

Click here to learn more.