Leadership Gold from John C. Maxwell

Everything rises and falls on leadership. - John C. Maxwell
In 2008, John Maxwell wrote about lessons he learned from 40 years of leading.  He mined “Leadership Gold”, so we don’t have to!  Each of the book’s 26 chapters is designed to provide a nugget of leadership on a six-month mentoring journey with the world’s foremost expert on leadership.

See what you can learn from his unique blend of advice, professional wisdom and personal recollection in Leadership Gold: Lessons I’ve Learned from a Lifetime of Leading.

Click here to learn more from John Maxwell.

Leadership and Life Lessons from the Space Program


This Summer, as I prepared for CareNet’s Annual Conference, scheduled for September in Orlando, one of my workshops was entitled, “Out of This World Leadership:  How the Fruit of the Spirit Helps You Shoot for the Stars.”  You can learn more about that here.

So, I decided to see if there were any similar leadership books out there.  Then, I ran across this one:  From Out of This World: Leadership and Life Lessons from the Space Program by Gabriel Rshaid.  Gabriel Rshaid is the Headmaster of St. Andrew’s Scots School in Buenos Aires, Argentina—the oldest bilingual school in the world—and a Professional Development Associate with the Leadership and Learning Center in Denver, Colorado. He says, “Little would I know that my years of exposure to the space program were really shaping me up in lessons of life and leadership.”

Click here for a summary.