What Makes a Leader Great

What Makes a Leader Great

On July 20th and 21st, I gave a couple of keynote presentations as part of the Human Capital Institute’s Employee Engagement Conference in Denver—one on “Building a Culture of Innovation: It’s Not Rocket Science” and another on “Leaders as Coaches: NASA’s Journey.”  Both were well-received, and I’ll have an opportunity to give both again—the first in Dubai this November the second in Olympia, Washington in November as well…

The conference was convened at the Sheraton hotel in Denver.  If you know me well, you know that I can’t pass up a bookstore, so I checked out the books they had for sale in their gift shop.  Jennifer noticed a row of John Maxwell books.  Next to them, there was one that caught my eye.  Russ Crosson’s What Makes a Leader Great.  While I didn’t purchase it at the conference, I ran across it again while browsing the Mardel bookstore in Houston—where I had a 20% off coupon!  So, I was able to read it on our drive to Lamesa, Texas (to visit my in-laws last month).

I found that the lessons from this book fit nicely with this month’s theme to “Help Others Win.”

Click here to see a summary of Crosson’s What Makes a Leader Great.