On Giving

When a poor person dies of hunger it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. - Mother Teresa

When you see poor people around you, do you struggle with these questions:

  • How can I meet so much need from my limited resources?
  • How do I choose whom to help and whom to pass by?
  • How do I balance the needs of the poor with the requests for help from my children, my aged parents, or my extended family?

In William Mouser’s LifeGuide Bible Study on Learning to Live Wisely, he dedicates a chapter to “Giving.”  The Proverbs of the chapter provide an antidote to our crazy culture which exalts materialism as a social and economic virtue.  True prosperity, it turns out, results from giving rather than getting!

Giving to the poor is an essential part of Christian morality. - C. S. Lewis

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