The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus

As we celebrate Christmas, I was excited to read Eric Harvey’s The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus: How to Get Big Things Done in YOUR “Workshop”…All Year Long.

As he points out, it’s not easy being Santa Claus!  Santa plays two roles that people rarely associate with him: Santa the “Manager” and Santa the “Leader.”

Like most managers, Santa deals with marketplace fluctuations (“Dear Santa, I thought I wanted that, but now I want this.”). And he’s certainly seen more than his share of budget cuts, staff reductions, employees who are either unwilling or unable to adjust to change, technology advancements, increasing demands for higher quality and better service, fluctuations in the economy, competing priorities, ever-growing performance expectations (for all of us), and a whole lot more.  Sound familiar?

If it’s not magic, what is Santa’s secret?

Click here to learn Santa’s 10 Leadership Secrets