Worship: The Ultimate Priority

Happy National Smile Day!  It’s a great day to share how a smile improves your day…and who knows, you may improve someone else’s day too?

When I think of smiling, I think of the joy, peace, and contentment I feel when worshipping God.  In 2012, Pastor John MacArthur wrote Worship: The Ultimate Priority.  In the Preface to the book, he admitted that for years, he fell far short of fully understanding what worship was and how it was to be accomplished.

Authentic worship is not a narrowly-defined activity relegated to the Sunday morning church service—or restricted to any single time and place, for that matter. Worship is any essential expression of service rendered unto God by a soul who loves and extols Him for who He is. Real worship therefore should be the full-time, nonstop activity of every believer, and the aim of the exercise ought to be to please God, not merely entertain the worshiper.

True worship is more than just music, and music—even Christian music—is not necessarily authentic worship.  In fact, Jesus spoke of truth, not music, as the distinctive mark of true worship (John 4:23–24).

Click here to learn more from John MacArthur’s Worship