Sarah: Mother of Nations

This is my wife’s birthday month, so I wanted to honor her with the first Hero of Faith–a Mom who became a mother to the people of Israel: Sarah.

In our day of fast food, microwaves, and e-mail, we have readily adopted the concept of having our needs met immediately.  Waiting is something we struggle with now more than ever.

Sadly, this fast pace of life frequently affects our prayer life.  If we see no evidence of answered prayer in a few days or weeks, many of us are ready to give up.  Or we cry out, “Where are you, God?”

That’s why we should consider the life of Sarah—who waiting many years to have the desire of her heart become a reality.

Hebrews 11:11 emphasizes Sarah’s faith: “By faith even Sarah herself received the ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.”

Click here to learn more about Faith from Sarah