Mentor Like Jesus

In 2019, I read Regi Campbell’s Mentor Like Jesus: His Radical Approach to Building the Church.  I was impressed by the book and Campbell’s approach to mentoring, so I gave a copy of the book to my brother for Christmas.  He took it a step further and shared the approach with his church’s Men’s Ministry; and the approach has now formed the foundation for Men’s 360 at Denton Bible Church

In his book, Regi distilled the practices Jesus used in mentoring His disciples.  “Radical Mentoring” is simply intentionally investing in the next generation…for God’s glory. Radical Mentoring is just doing what Jesus did.

As John Maxwell—author and speaker on leadership—put it, “Regi Campbell is known as a master mentor. He has discovered that his best practices come from the Master…Jesus Himself! Now he shares them with us. Dive in…you’ll be glad that you did.”

Click here to learn more about mentoring from Regi Campbell