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2019: A Year for “Wisdom”

Left to Right: Kim Smith (Sister-in-Law); Bill Bates (NASA Mentor & Friend); and Margarete Pyle (My “Mano”, Grandmother)

December 2018 was filled with life celebrations of three big influencers on my life.  First, my sister-in-law, Kim Smith, passed away at 55 years young.  We celebrated her life at First Baptist Church in Lamesa, Texas on December 9.  Kim impacted her sphere of influence through her positive attitude, her smile, her laugh, and kind words to those around her.  Following her passing, we learned how she impacted many in the community by visiting with them on her walks across town.

My long-time mentor and friend, Bill Bates, passed at the age of 73 following a 2-year battle with leukemia.  He took me under his wing at NASA and passed on some critical advice that helped me improve at work.  Following his retirement, we continued to meet for lunch and catch up with one another.  I always appreciated his encouragement support and will miss our time together.

Finally, we learned that my 93 year-old grandmother passed away on December 28.  She lived much longer than anyone could have expected (see my post from more than two and a half years ago when I described her perseverance as a 90 year-old, who survived the combination of a broken back and pneumonia!).  We are thankful Mano is finally at rest and peace now!

With these three influencers gone from my life in 2019, my one word focus is “Wisdom.”  Following Solomon’s example from 1 Kings 3:9 when he responded to God’s offer of anything he wanted, “Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.”  Solomon sought wisdom, and I know I need the same to succeed as a husband, father, and leader at work and church.

My 2019 Bible Study will focus on the wisdom of Proverbs.  May my legacy be the same as Kim, Bill, and Mano, who each heard from God, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Click here for the Top 10 Bible Verses on Wisdom

Rare Leadership

It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do! - Fred Rogers

As we close out our study of The Beatitudes this year, I was looking for a book to highlight the final one, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

In June 2016, I read Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder’s Rare Leadership: 4 Uncommon Habits For Increasing Trust, Joy, and Engagement in the People You Lead, following a recommendation from the Christian Leadership Alliance’s Outcomes Magazine.  In their book, Warner and Wilder show that rare leadership is the fruit of these four habits:

  • Remain Relational
  • Act Like Yourself
  • Return to Joy
  • Endure Hardship Well

The final habit seemed to be a good fit for this month!

Warner and Wilder contend, “Leaders make things happen. Leaders affect all of us, whether we lead, follow, or try to stay out of the way.”

They point out that one of the biggest mistakes people make in the realm of leadership is focusing too much on “what am I to do?” as opposed to “who am I to be?

According to a ton of new research, performance success in leadership is one-third intelligence (IQ) and two-thirds emotional intelligence (or EQ). Or to put it another way, emotional intelligence counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined to be successful in leading others.

Dr. Hans Finzel, Author of The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make (and The Top Ten Leadership Commandments) said, “Long-term results will always require investing in capacity. If relationships are the root of joy, and joy is the jet fuel of high-performing teams, it follows that learning to remain relational is a key factor in creating high-performing teams and building healthy churches and organizations.”

Click here to learn 4 habits for increasing trust, joy, and engagement in the people you lead.